Patricia’s passion and dedication to empower women to break long standing expectations about their role in society, and to pierce the highest and the hardest glass ceiling and become entrepreneurs and community leaders have been garnered global recognition, with features in esteemed publications.

As Seen In

Media Appearances



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France 24

DR Congo: Getting around Kinshasa is an obstacle course (original title : RD Congo: Se déplacer à Kinshasa, un parcours du combattant - video in French)

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BBC Afrique

Patricia Nzolantima : The entrepreneur's secret (original title :  Le secret de l'entrepreneur - video in French)


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Social Entrepreneurship
for Inclusive Growth in the
Democratic Republic of Congo

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East Africa Digital Entrepreneurship
Ecosystem in Higher Education


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Council for Inclusive Capitalism

About Bizzoly Transport & Logistics

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Empowering African Women Through Business

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The Conscious Investor

My Moral Compass: Patricia Nzolantima on Smart Investing, Perseverance, and Building Women Leaders across Africa


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Révolution Digitale

Patricia Nzolantima (International Working Lady): Building Your Emplire (original title : Bâtir Son Empire - Podcast in French)

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Le Monde

In Kinshasa, cabs become women's business (original title :A Kinshasa, le taxi se décline au féminin - article in French)

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DR Congo: Getting around Kinshasa is an obstacle course (original title : RD Congo: Se déplacer à Kinshasa, un parcours du combattant - video in French)

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DR Congo: UbizCabs, a cab service driven by women by day and men by night (original title : RD Congo : UbizCabs, un service de taxis conduits par des femmes le jour et par des hommes la nuit - article in French)

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DR Congo: Deliveries by and for women (original title RD Congo : Des livraisons par et pour les femmes - video in French)
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UbizCabs, a Congolese Uber for women (original title : UbizCabs, un Uber congolais au féminin - article in French)
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La Tribune

Entrepreneurship: Patricia Nzolantima, a Congolese "phoenix" (original title : Entrepreneuriat : Patricia Nzolantima, un « phénix » congolais - article in French)
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Helios Towers

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Cecilia Emma Wilson

She tested Ubiz Cabs the 100% female taxi in Kinshasa


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Ubiz Cabs, a Congolese luxury Uber for women (original title : Ubiz Cabs, un Uber congolais de luxe au féminin - article in French)

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The Woman who practices Female Entrepreneurship (original title : La Femme qui pratique L'entrepreunariat au Féminin - video in French)

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Women & Mobility: A 100% female cab service in the DRC (original title : Femme & Mobilité: Un service de taxis 100 % féminin en RDC - article in French)

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Conscious consumerism and purpose-driven businesses

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Les Dirigeantes

Dr. Patricia NZOLANTIMA appointed to co-chair the B20 summit in New Delhi from August 25 to 27, 2023, on the sidelines of the G20 summit. (original title : Dr. Patricia NZOLANTIMA nommée pour co-présider le sommet du B20 à New Delhi du 25 au 27 août 2023, en marge du sommet du G20 - article in French)

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Woman in Action (original title : Femme en Action - article in French)

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TV5Monde Afrique

African Woman in Action (original title : Femme d’Afrique En Action - video in French)

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Le Monde Féminin

Patricia Nzolantima

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Dr Patricia Nzolantima, a transportation market disruptor in Africa

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Forbes Africa

Harvard Co-Chair Nomination

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International Chamber of Commerce

ICC elects five new members to the Executive Board

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Conscious consumerism and purpose-driven businesses
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