Get to know us
Meet the Founder
Patricia Nzolantima is the founder and CEO of the International Working Ladies Group, which helps women utilize their full potential, emancipate themselves, and use their leadership to bring positive changes.
Out of that work, she also created the Working Ladies WIA Hub, the first female accelerator in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
A charismatic go-getter, serial entrepreneur, seasoned leader in market disruption initiatives on the African continent, and MENA who believes firmly in the value of soft-power, Patricia Nzolantima is a brand by herself.
A pure African product with over two decades of experience in Marketing, Brand strategy, Transportation, Entrepreneurship and Women’s empowerment.
Named as one of the top 100 African Economic Leaders of Tomorrow by Forbes Afrique, she is an investor and entrepreneur with several FIRSTS.
She is the Managing partner of EXP-COMUNICART, a leading marketing and communication agency.

She has worked, strategized, and launched brands for the biggest corporation companies in Africa, companies like :

Her commitment towards ensuring an enabling environment for African businesswomen led her to become Founder of Bizzoly transport and logistics operates under “Ubizcabs”, the first taxi company run by women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

First Female's Driver Academy
She also launched the first female Drivers Academy in Democratic Republic of Congo to empower women in transport and logistics.
Her passion for ensuring an enabling environment for African businesswomen to thrive led her to found the first Women’s Economic Empowerment Hub in Kinshasa, an accelerator program for women entrepreneurs to scale up their business.
These unique ventures, aimed at empowering women in transportation and logistics, initiated as part of her core belief that the Future is Female and African, enabled her become one of the global finalists from Africa of the YPO Global Impact Award, and one of the 100 Remarkable Feminist Voices in Transport by GIZ.

Remarkable Women in the Field of Transport
Her remarkable achievements even led to her recognition as one of the Remarkable Women in the Field of Transport and named one of the Top Twenty-one women in Mobility by TUMI on behalf of BMZ and GIZ.
She has also been highlighted on the “Choiseul Institute 100 Africa Economic Leaders of Tomorrow Under 40” from 2016 to 2019. and First Congolese woman to be selected to join the Young African leaders program “ Mandela fellowship” in 2012.

Life-Long Education
Education for Patricia is a life-long process.
She is a product of the Protestant University of Congo, Cape Town Institute of Studies in South Africa, Stanford, Harvard, as well as Alibaba Business School.
In addition, Patricia holds a Doctorate degree in Business Administration from the Virginia University in US.
Her dynamism, energy and vision were the key factors that caused her to be selected to work closely with former US Secretary of State John Kerry during his Africa visit tour in 2013, to address open remark during the global entrepreneurship Summit in Silicon Valley.
She has been selected to numerous eminent and honorary positions in several organisations such as the ICC, B20, YPO, CARTIER WOMEN INITIATIVE, and the Vatican Council for Inclusive Capitalism.
What's Patricia doing today?
Patricia is currently Founder and Chairwoman of Bizzoly Holdings, Bizzoly Consulting and Bizzoly Brands and Co. Ltd (Pty). She simultaneously serves as Co-chair Leadership Council Harvard University Center For African Studies, Co-Chair of the G20 (B20) Action Council on African Economic Integration, Executive Board of the International Chamber Of Commerce, Jury member of Cartier Women Initiative, member of the Clinton Global Initiative, and as DRC Ambassador for Women in Africa Initiative.